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Create a Smart form

How to set up a Smart testimonial request form from scratch.

Nadiia Shevelieva avatar
Written by Nadiia Shevelieva
Updated over a week ago

Forms by Trust let you easily gather testimonials from your customers and clients.

They can be Standard, Interactive, and Smart, you can see their examples in this introduction article.

Table of content:

To create a new form, press the “Add New” button, then choose “Smart Form”.

The “General” tab

Choose the “General” tab to define the main settings for your form.

Name a form

Give your form a private name that will be displayed only in your dashboard.


Set up custom colors for your form. You'll see the preview immediately on the right side.

Background color is a color of your form's background.

Primary Color is a color of a 'Start' and 'Next' buttons, and a progress bar.

Secondary Color is a color of a 'Back' button.

Validation messages

Edit or translate default texts if needed.

The “Welcome” tab

Enable the “Show a video message” feature to upload or record your own video and personally say hello, thank customers and clients for their time, and give an incentive that motivates them to fill out the form.

It will pop up right after a reviewer opens a form.

Edit or translate the default text if needed.

The “Builder” tab

Here you can configure the main settings of your Smart form.

You can change the order of fields or add new ones to the form with a help of handy builder.

1. Drag & drop necessary fields from the left side to the appropriate place on the right side in order to get them added.

2. Drag & drop the fields on the right side to change their order.


Press the “Edit” button to upload your own logo. You can also remove it completely.

Name | The required field

Change default texts and colors if needed. You can also add a custom label to the field.

Email | The required field

Change default texts and colors if needed. You can also add a custom label to the field.

Testimonial | The required field

Here you can configure the settings for text and video testimonial fields.

1. Click “Edit settings” to proceed.

2. If you enable both video and text options, choose a required answer type (text or video).

Edit or translate default texts if needed.

The Text sub-tab

Enable Text Testimonial

Click on the toggle button to enable or disable collecting text testimonials.

Show guidelines?

Turn on this feature to add any instructions that you consider necessary for your customers or clients regarding their text testimonial.

You can also add any links or format the text accordingly.


Change the default text colors if needed.

The Video sub-tab

Enable Video Testimonial

Click on the toggle button to enable or disable collecting video testimonials.

Question text

List all your questions you'd like to ask in the “Question text” field.

Show video guidelines?

Turn on this feature to add any instructions that you consider necessary for your customers or clients regarding their video testimonial.

You can also add any links or format the text accordingly.

– Option Record

Enable the “Record” option to let reviewers record fresh videos directly from their browser.

Edit or translate default texts if needed.

– Option Upload

Enable the “Upload a video” option to let reviewers upload pre-recorded videos from their device.

Edit or translate the default text if needed.

– Option Share

Enable the “Share an external video” option to let reviewers share their existing video testimonials from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Vimeo.

1. Edit or translate default texts if needed.

2. Click the appropriate button on the right side of your screen to see the preview.

Other fields (Input, Social, Stars, Avatar, Text)


Add a custom “Input” field to collect any additional information about a reviewer (it won't be displayed publicly).

📌 You can add as many “Input” fields as you need.

1. Click on the toggle button to make the field required.

2. Edit or translate default texts / colors if needed.


Set “Ask for social links” on to collect links to business websites or social media profiles of your reviewers. They will be displayed as a part of their testimonials on your website for more social proof. For example:

Edit default texts / colors if needed.


Add the “Stars” field to collect star rating in your form.

1. Turn on the “Show help text” feature to ask for a rating.

2. Turn on the “Enable animation of stars” feature to add a nice animation.

3. Edit default texts / colors if needed.


Add the “Avatar” field to collect photos from your reviewers.

Edit default texts / colors if needed.


Add the “Text” field to add collect any other information from your customers. They can customize their text, add any links, or even embed videos there.

Edit default texts / colors if needed.

The “AI Help” tab

Smart forms have the AI testimonial generator.

This built-in AI writes an authentic testimonial text based on keywords that your customer has in mind about your product or service.

This feature aims to help your customers and clients provide you with a high-quality testimonial effortlessly, overcome the fear of a blank page and save their time.

It only works if the “Text” testimonial is enabled.

1. Turn on the “Enable AI based Text Generation” option to add the AI testimonial generator to your form.

2. Choose your form's language.

Now only 3 languages are available, but you can contact us to get your native language added!

3. Choose your business type.

Also, contact us if you don't see your business type in the list.

4. Add your business name and its short description.

5. Edit or translate default texts if needed in the “Text configurations” section.

The “Tooltip” field lets you add custom instructions to help customers generate the best testimonials.

The “Thank You” tab

Set up the “Thank You” page for your Smart form.

1. Give the page a title and add some text to show people your appreciation.

2. Enable the “Rate on other services” feature to ask people for reviews on other platforms as well.

Set the minimum star rating to prevent people from sharing negative reviews.

3. Edit or translate default texts if needed.

4. Turn on the necessary platforms and add links to your profiles there.

You can also add 1 custom platform that’s not listed above.

5. Turn on the “Redirect to a page” feature to add any “Thank You” page link.

Reviewers will be redirected there after they hit a “Submit a testimonial” button.

6. Press the “Save” button when you’re ready to finish.

7. You can add the form to your website or copy it’s URL to start collecting testimonials.

If you want to create a similar form based on an existing one, press the “Clone” button to have its copy, and now you can adjust the settings.

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